Hi There, In this series of articles, I plan to explore different interesting things that I have, had to, solve regarding WPF. I should tell you in forward, that some of them might not be the ideal solution because they will have some temporary problems as I’m doing the research at the same time. I […]
Archive | March, 2017
Building a Build Server – Finding Potential Problems in your Code
In last week’s article, we explored how to set up JetBrains’ dupFinder, which is part of the ReSharper Command Line Tools. In this article, we are going to set up the code inspection tool from the same package. In case you missed it, the tool setup can be found in the previous article, titled Building […]
Building a Build Server – Finding Duplicated Code Blocks in your Source
JetBrains, the company behind ReSharper, has a command-line tool package with some of the ReSharper features too. It is a free package to integrate quality analysis into continuous integration systems and can be downloaded from JetBrains’ ReSharper Command Line Tools page. In this article, we are going to integrate the dupFinder into the Jenkins build […]
Building a Build Server – Inserting Build Number into your Assembly Versions
In this article, we are going to create a build process, where the resulting assemblies contains the build number in the assembly version. Having this process in place helps to identify from where a problematic assembly came from. In .NET, the assembly versions are composed from four numbers, separated by dots. If you want to […]
Refactoring Resources
In his book, Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code, Martin Fowler talks about refactoring methods and how to apply them to codes. The refactoring techniques are a serious of transformations that are designed not to change the behavior of the code, while at the same time improve the structure of it. In one of […]
Building a Build Server – Executing Unit Tests as Part of the Build
In this article, we are going to configure our Jenkins build server to execute the unit tests in the project during the build. Thus, if the unit tests fail but the code compiles, the build will be marked as unstable. The NUnit plugin, displaying the test results, also lets us to review test statistics compared […]