Dependency properties are making easy to attach a user interface to a specific property of the code from XAML. However, attaching the user interface to the same property is not possible only from the XAML. We can do the same from the code too. The completed solution for this article can be found in the […]
Creating a Hyper-V Virtual Machine for Automatic Test Environments
Last week, we downloaded the Windows 10 ISO image to be used to create test environments automatically from Jenkins. This week, we are going to set up a Virtual Machine on which next time we will install the operating system. To create a virtual machine in the Hyper-V program, follow these steps: After starting the […]
Working with Collections on the User Interface
When working with collections attached to the user interface in WPF, there is a little trick that you should be aware of. Consider the source code of the Z09_ObservableCollections project in the WpfWednesday repository. On the MainWindow user interface, the left and the right of the panel looks the same – not counting the difference […]
Downloading Windows 10 ISO From Microsoft – in 10 easy steps
To be able to build the automated test system, we would like to create a base image, that we can later clone as machines for building up the test environments. To be able to build a Windows 10 based image for the purpose, we will need the Windows 10 ISO, which can be downloaded from […]
Attaching Event Handlers to Dependency Properties
In the previous articles, we investigated how to create dependency properties. Beside binding them to properties in XAML, it is useful to attach event handlers to them to be notified about change events. The example code for this article is in the WpfWednesday git repository, in the Z08_AttachingEventHandlers project. There are two methods to attach […]
Read-only Dependency Properties
In the previous article, titled Dependency Properties, we explored how to create dependency properties for our class. In this article, we are going to explore how to create dependency properties that can only be updated in the defining class itself. As a result, these properties are read-only. The example for this article can be found […]
Building Automatic Test Environments
In the next set of articles, I would like to experiment with how to deploy automatic test environments, that later can be integrated into the build process. This article is going to be a bit out of the ordinary, as I’m going to use it as a plan, a table of content and a status […]
Building a Build Server – Installing Developer Tools to Build iOS apps with Jenkins
In the previous article, titled Building a Build Server – Installing Jenkins on OS X, we installed Jenkins on OS X, so that we can start building iOS applications automatically. In this article, we are going to set up the rest of the tools so that Jenkins can build the iOS applications. Installing Xcode and […]
Dependency Properties
In this article, we are going the explore how to create dependency properties. Dependency properties with a special property information that allows the WPF system to interact with them through the XAML code. They also need to be implemented in a specific way because of how WPF interacts with them. As an example, we are […]
Building a Build Server – Installing Jenkins on OS X
Downloading Jenkins Open a browser and go to On the Jenkins website click the Download button. Scroll down to the packages and click on Mac OS X button, either in the Long-term Support (LTS) or in the Weekly column, depending on your preference. Wait until the download completes. Installing the Jenkins package Open the […]