Dear Reader,
Welcome to the High Value Code blog. On this blog, I am going to review different aspects of producing high quality and high maintainability codes, as well as, related systems and ideas.
The initial plan includes reviewing build systems, code correction proofing, ideas regarding structuring code and solving related problems.
It also includes reviews of different code tools and related ideas, especially in the light of making the code much higher quality.
As some programming languages fits better for a purpose than others, from time to time, I will present those ideas in the appropriate programming languages. Such languages include, for example NAnt for build systems.
As I am just starting up this blog, I plan to post once a week and the first project will be building a build system with publishing NuGet packages in mind, so that you can distribute your code either on or on your in-house NuGet stream, whichever you prefer.
So, follow me by using the icons below in the Follow me box, and let’s figure out together what is needed to build high quality code and software.
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